Should you tip your carpet cleaner?

Should you tip your carpet cleaner? Well don’t feel obligated to tip your carpet cleaner if you don’t want to or don’t have the budget. Although most carpet cleaners do except tips, it is not the standard or even expected from every job. As a carpet cleaning tech I can tell you that any tip is very much appreciated and helps out a lot! I would say that about half of my residential customers give me a tip. I’ve been told by many other techs that this is above average. The average tip I usually get is $10 on a small job and $20 on larger ones, but even $2 is a big deal to me. The average full time carpet cleaner is lucky if he makes $500 a week before taxes so tips help out a lot. If you feel like you got really good service or your job was harder than a typical job you might consider tipping. If tipping is not in your budget, but you want to let the company know how much you appreciated their service leave them a good review. Most companies have a place on their web site to leave reviews or even better yet leave them a Google review. Make sure to put the Should you tip your carpet cleaner technicians name in the review if he is the reason you are so pleased. Phone calls to the company are another good way to show your gratitude. Remember tips are not expected, but greatly appreciated. If you get bad service definitely don’t tip and let the company know the problem. Any good company should do what it takes to keep their customers satisfied and your satisfaction with the service should definitely be the number one goal with any service company.